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Billions of Transactions... and Growing

       On April 1, 1996 regulations were changed so that customers could be charged a fee for using ATM's outside their banks' systems.  Banks lobbied ATM networks to lift their ban on ATM surcharges because they wanted to levy fees at ATM's located at non-banks to operate.  Of course, many banks are already charging customers to use not only their own ATM's but other banks' ATM's. Now the new regulations have triggered huge new profit potentials for individual ATM ownership.

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A recent study reveals that ATM card usage is at an all-time high and largely due to usage at ATM's in the retail environment which are individually owned.

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The banks set the pace...
now you can get your share!

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In 1994, there were 8.3 billion transactions performed at ATM's in the United States.
It is estimated that by the year 2000, there will be approximately 158,000 ATM's installed in the U.S. and 937,000 installed worldwide.
Experts predict the ATM market will grow ten times in just four years from $415 million now to more than $5 billion by 2000.

A great ready-made market exists as banks have already issued over 135 million cards to depositors for use in automated teller machines. High volume, high traffic, individually owned ATM outlets are making electronic banking available to complete transactions instantly.

This is the money-making
opportunity NOW OPEN to
you in ATM  ownership!

NOW.. you can
get in on the

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The 1990's bank merger mania strongly impacted the banking industry.  Banks have been reducing internal costs by expanding ATM's to replace bank branches.  In the future it is felt that America will be left with a handful of mega-banks and thousands of ATM centers.

Up to now banks have been on the front end of the ATM curve.  The technological advances of ATM's to withdraw only machines (non-deposit) has made them more affordable to lease or purchase.  Day by day there are more merchant-based individually owned compact ATM cash dispensers.  They are low-cost alternatives to bank-owned ATM's.

What started as a convenience for bank customers, ATM's have now sprung up everywhere, from the local gasoline station to the convenience store.

ATM owners can depend on retailers and banks to further encourage ATM usage.  Banks need consumers that use ATM's mainly to cut down on expensive teller transactions.

As a result, never-before-possible profit opportunities have opened up to individuals who can now own an ATM, and share in the huge profits which have been reserved for bankers only up to now.

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